Thursday, March 13, 2014

March Madness

March Madness is upon us. We're planning to resume our travels at the end of the month and there is lots to be done before we can leave. 

A big item on the list is our 2013 income taxes. In 2013: we remodeled our house so we could have a better chance of selling it: sold the house: donated most of what we owned to Goodwill, The Salvation Army and other charities: and retired. We've got a pile of papers the size of a Cooper Mini to go through. I think this year we may let an accountant do the taxes.

Then of course we have to ready the HOW and toad for a 2200 mile trip, decide what needs to come along and what we'll leave here. (We still have a storage shed in Illinois to go through, and we'll probable have a lot to bring back here next fall.) 

We have the route we'll take to plan. We only want to drive about three hours a day, and we want to stop and smell the roses along the way. We plan to head east to New Orleans, then northeast to Sevierville Tennessee to attend the RV-Dreams Rally starting in the end of April. We need to be back at Blackhawk Valley Campground by May 15. It ought to be Spring in Northern Illinois by then...

Some very good friends are coming down here for a visit at the end of March and we want all the busyness out of the way before they arrive so we can enjoy each other.

For the most part, we'll be staying in Army Corp of Engineer campgrounds, as well as State and National Parks. There are a few very special private campgrounds that we're gonna stay at.

So, this should be the last post from here in Hondo. Get ready to hit the road with us!

Don't forget to enjoy Paul's photography at